Thursday, February 09, 2012

February 2012 - Huatulco Mexico.

Day 4 in Huatulco, Mexico. Six hours of air travel took 2 days (due to airline schedule changes) so missing days 1 to 3. I can recall the experience, but why bother. Area needs better air travel. Aeromexico treated us professionally and efficiently.

Atop a bluff our condo overlooks the little village of Santa Cruz with its beaches, little bars, restaurants and shops. We've taken several walks down the hill to the market and to town. Tomorrow we're going to explore the main town of La Crucecita. Heard there is a better market selling very fresh fruits and vegetables and a fresh meat market.
Today it's 85 degrees; the sky is blue. The morning uniform is swimsuit and flip flops. For the afternoon walk to town it's shorts and tees. Already developing a little tan from carefully monitoring time in the sun. Our only concerns today: beware the sun, what's our next meal, and should we cook or eat out at the many wonderful affordable restaurants. Since we only have tequila, I guess we're drinking margaritas. Such problems to conquer. The pool is right outside our patio.

This afternoon there was delightful giggling from 1.5 year old Leslie. Sounds of primitive joy. After a long time playing in the water, those cute little sounds turned a scream of "Mio". "Mine" sounds the same in any language.

Day 6½. Busy exciting day. Overcast day, but still balmy. Got the internet back after 2 down days (office was closed & they made a mistake). Washed my underwear. Last night's dinner was tasty pulpo ala ajo (octopus in garlic sauce); at a little restaurant by the bay. Watched 2 kids cast a fishing net to haul in some sea creatures. Have to walk to the grocery store for more coffee. Maybe something else to drink other than margaritas; acid too tough on my tummy.
Day 9. Been down here for a little over one week. Today Larry forgot his watch and had no idea what time it was. Have managed to enjoy ourselves even if the weather is pretty much the same every day - sun and balmy breezes. Pool right outside our patio. Soft fine sand beaches at 9 different protected bays with gentle lapping water. How do these people stand it? (The laugh and
smile a lot.)

Found a place that makes the best quesadillas. Smaller fresh tortillas filled with a luxurious local
white cheese. Then topped with a slice of avocado. Delicious. Ceviche is different here too. More used to chopped fresh seafood with a more soupy spicy vinegar sauce served in a bowl. Here they give you a pile of fresh delicate fish in a mild vinegar sauce with chopped tomatoes and onions. Very refreshing.

Have gotten totally tired of fruit drinks. No more margaritas or even bloody Mary's for a while. Too hard on stomach lining. Finally had to tell Larry, "If I want fruit, I'll go eat an apple." Finally, got my martini. Understand why people keep their vodka in the frig. Who puts ice in a
martini? Oh, no. Are olives a fruit?

The condo comes pretty complete, but it needs: *A broom to sweep up the ants killed by the spraying (they come in & totally clean once a week). *More bug spray; Larry smashed a couple of roaches. Used his shoe; hard bug, I thought he was killing an army. *And very efficient, very quiet fans and air conditioners (have good a/c, but not used to sleeping with it on.)

Enjoy seeing various kinds of birds stop by the pool like it was their oasis. Mainly black vultures and a flock of little swifts. Some seabirds that look like mini albatross. Even though we travel to some pretty exotic places, I am totally ignorant on various birds. This evening 2 small birds stopped by. Didn't appreciate their vocalization. Sounded like some cat squeeky toy.
Grocery stores are pretty well stocked with all the comforts of home. Remind me of a mini Walmart stuffed into a 7-11. Takes a little reconnoitering and patience. You tip the bagger here for putting groceries in the bag.
Valentine's Day - Went out for a nice dinner last night in La Crucecita. There was some confusion when Larry thought he could order his dinner in Spanish (wanted a filet). I ended up with my choice of favorful, tender marinated flank steak (here called arrachera), and Larry ended up with a salad. Worked out okay because we have been eating much lighter here, presumably from the heat. We just traded half way thru. Saved us about $6.50. (Dinner cost (flank steak/salad/bottle of Argentine wine/tip/taxi to & fro): $37
Huatulco Mexico-Part 2 We've moved to another condo as was our plan. Feel like our vacation has really started.
We are in the real world now. Today we spent an hour in the ocean, bopping in very light swells. Then walked 5 feet to a beach bar, had 2 Coronas for $3. Served with juicy lime and salt. Hard to put salt in or on a bottle so just did the tequila method – salt on hand, sip, lime. Worked for us. Great place to solve all the world's ills.
Only drawback so far is the manual labor used across the street. They are pulling down a reinforced concrete portico on a hotel – by hand. No jack hammers, not even electric saws to cut thru the steel rebar. Just big hammers. I bet it's harder on the workers than on us.

Tomorrow we're going to do the same thing. Not boring, trust me. Larry promised me dinner in La Crucecita Friday night. Oh, boy. Such a generous guy.
This move couldn't come soon enough. While the view of Santa Cruz Bay was mesmerizing, we were also a bit bored. Only 1 other couple to chat with. Moved to town at the Hacienda Real. Lots of people, lots of city noise; we are among the living. And only 3 blocks to the beach instead of 25 minute walk down the hill. And so close to the restaurants. Unit is a bit smaller square footage wise, but much better usage. And oh so much prettier. A little bit of pride of ownership. Our unit is again right by the pool.
TV here is better too. Direct TV. We get all the new shows. In English. (Other condo had SkyTV; half the shows were in Spanish. And the English shows were mostly old CSI types.
20 days since we left home. Have acclimated to the area. Get up in the morning, eat, shower, put on bathing suit until dinner time. Then decide whether to eat in and leave on swimsuit, or clean up and go out. Either works for me. My skin is brown and my hair bleached to some color I'm not sure what, probably multiple colors. Do have some kind of heat rash on my chest, probably because I sleep on my stomach and heat builds up there. Or I have creeping crud.
Found some wonderful restaurants. Food here is so much better than that stuff we get in the USA. Has subtle spices and fresher ingredients. Even had a hamburger that tasted totally healthy even though they put a Velveeta type cheese on it. Enjoying ourselves here. Larry has stopped wearing his watch and doesn't usually need to be reminded that it's cocktail time. Cocktail time costs a lot less here. $12 for a bottle of Stoli vodka. You should see the fresh vegetables in the little markets. Bought 2.5 pounds of shrimp for $10, lasted us for 4 meals.
Larry slipped by the pool about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Came down hard on one cheek. About 3 days later he developed this really big and dark bruise on his thigh. His butt's a little sore and the bruise is still dark, but he's okay. Glad he didn't land on his tail bone. Still a little worrisome about blood clots, especially on the 3 planes going home.
It's funny. Friday night we strolled the streets where they were having a carnival for Lent. Fireworks, carny games, rides, pizza. Lots of locals. Then Saturday night we went over to the expensive all-inclusive hotel area for a classical concert. Left at intermission. Too boring. Don't know what that says about me that I prefer the hoi polloi to the classical crowd. Who cares?

Walked over to the grocery store, about 1.5 away. And walked back since we only bought a couple of lunch items. I told Larry I'm on vacation too and done with cooking dinners. So we're eating out. Last night had the arabic tacos which were excellent. Don't know why they call them arabic since they were pork and arabs don't eat pork. Wish I know how they cooked the pork. Have a feeling they must have boiled it in spices and such, then baked it some, and then chopped it into small pieces. Very tasty. Really like the soft fresh flour tortillas they use here. Smaller. We do have a Mexican grocery store down the road from us at home; been meaning to investigate. Maybe they have carnitas. When I was single and poor, I get that and some handmade tortillas and that would be a weekend treat. Here's to poor people food. Can be very tasty.
Reminds me: Since this was Ash Wednesday, about 100 pilgrims came to down. Very poor. The town clears out an abandoned building for them. They live there for a couple of days, then go home. Had their little fire pits made from concrete blocks and little pieces of iron rebar for cooking. City even put up a sun shelter for them. They are gone now, but they left the place a mess. No toilets so you can imagine the smell. Old clothes strewn around. Just a dump. City had to come in and clean it up. Can't imagine how they live at home. I'm sure no plumbing or running water. These are very poor people. And the carnival is packing up.

There were a lot of vendors' stalls too at the carnival. Trinkets and jewelry and blue jeans. Also a lot of household products, mainly buckets and bowls. Bet I could have gotten a lot of that stuff for next to nothing. But can't get it into a suitcase.
We have 2 more days in Mexico. Mixed feelings about leaving after 30 days
1) Winter has arrived in Grass Valley - snow & 45 there.. Sun & sand & 90 here.
2) But Larry just poured tonic water into my martini. Maybe too long with no brain activity.
3) The lingo is coming more natural for both of us. Much closer to Spanish as opposed to the Spanglish we hear.
4) I'm looking forward to American TV, even commercials - cuz they'll be in English.
5) I'm considered tall here.
6) I'm tired of Canadians; strange bunch. Much more English-leaning then I would have thought. Have only met 2 Americans and they live here half the year.
7) I want my own bed and pillows.
8) I need to soak in a bath tub, but I'll miss soaking in the ocean.
9) I look forward to not worrying about drinking tap water, but even the locals drink bottled water a lot of the time.
10) Looking forward to American wine, but not American prices.
11) Larry's looking forward to American food, including Tex-Mex Mexican food. I consider the food here superior to our Tex-Mex food; world-class. Wish I could duplicate their sauces and spice combinations.
12) Larry can't wait to play golf.
Things learned so far...
  1. Do not sit in the sun with forehead bangs. They block the sun creating a baseball cap
  2. Larry can cook a perfectly good dinner with only a few hints. Reminder to self – Don't come and do myself; just give encouragement.
  3. White Irish/German skin doesn't tan well, but can burn easily. (Assumption only – not going to prove the point)
  4. There is a 2½ inch lizard in the condo. I want one in my bedroom; they eat bugs. Saw him/her racing around the living room at night. Where does he stay during the day?
  5. English language movies are close-captioned in Spanish, but when they speak Spanish, there is no close captioning.
  6. Larry begrudged me tipping the bag boy at the grocery 75 cents. Thought half that was adequate. Cheap. It's not like I bought him a car. (Tipping the bag boy is expected.)
  7. Should have brought some washcloths; would like to sand off skin cells killed off by pool and sun. Maybe I can get the overcompensated bag boy to buy me one.
  8. February 5 is Mexican Constitution Day. No parades or celebrations, but they do get Monday off. So, not good days to go to the beach – crowds.
  9. Wish the U.S. Media covered more than drug dealers in Mexico. These are hard working people – 6 days a week; long hours.
  10. Adaption to this climate is speeded by pool right by the patio. Akin to have a sauna in a cold climate.
  11. When Larry asked me if he should put a shirt on I asked what he intended to do with his body. 'Go to the pool.' So? 'I don't want to burn.' Put a shirt on. Someone left his brain in bed today.
  12. Flowering trees, bushes and vines sure make a pretty landscape.
  13. Give me palapas for shade and a balmy sea breeze anytime.

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