Sunday, February 07, 2010

NCL Star Long Beach Disembarkation

Another sea day before we dock in Long Beach and fly home. We just relax.

Disembarkation is confusing and puzzling, but in the end it all works out. Wait for our luggage tag color to be called, line up for the Spinnaker Lounge, sit in the Spinnaker Lounge, stand in another line for the custom officers then off the ship to find our luggage also organized by tag color.

We had received a letter regarding disembarkation, which had our color coded luggage tags. It promised a voucher for the shuttle to the airport. The front desk couldn’t verify we were on the list and we never received a voucher. We were able to board the bus and get to the airport for our flight home. We were supposed to have received custom forms, but we had to go find them.

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